Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Reflection - Media Blog week of 9/1 - 9/5

Hello again!  This was a very busy week in the media center!  It really is amazing just how much the media specialist at my school does or is responsible for.  The daily activities of the media center from teaching students how to do things, to processing books, to helping teachers with technical problems and finally inventory.  Whew!  All of this can be overwhelming unless you manage things in a very organized way.  I helped Ms. Peters process new technology equipment this week along with some of the daily tasks that she does.  She is also helping me learn where everything is located in our media center.  Ms. Peters stores a lot of the technology equipment that teachers use and it is important to know where things are.  The new equipment are audio components for classrooms called Redcats.  They are an audio delivery system for teachers and I really like them.  Here are what they look like:

The school took in 45 of them and we logged them into our media inventory.  Luckily, we have volunteers who help us in the media center and they were a great help with this process.  Well, time to get back to work.  See you next week!  RR