Friday, April 17, 2015

Last Blog - 4/13 - 4/17

This week I have been working to complete all the work I have to do.  This has been an incredible journey learning the inner working of the media center and dealing with the challenges at hand.  Technology is certainly becoming a major focus at our school as we begin next week taking the Georgia Milestones test completely online.  We will be one of the first school systems to go completely online with the testing.  This I am sure will have major implications for library media specialists in the future.  I have certainly learned a lot from my mentor Ms. Peters.  One of the biggest things I have learned is that I do not know it all and it will take time to learn if I ever get the chance to work in the media center.  I will make sure to bring my passion for reading, working with students, and technology when that time comes.  Take care.  RR

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