Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Checklist Item 10 - Webinar

I chose to sign up with edWeb because it is a great PLN resource!  After signing in and looking around the webinar that caught my eye was Pitching the Library: How to Explain What School Librarians Do.  The webinar was presented by Michelle Luhtalu.  She is the Head Librarian at New Canaan High School in Connecticut.   This was a great webinar that explained how we as library media specialist can market what we do on a daily basis.  The number one thing that we do is that we help students learn!  It is also very important that we are able to demonstrate this.  Ms. Luhtalu went on to discuss areas of leadership, information specialist role, open access, voluteers, getting students involved, and grants.  She also emphasized the importance of documenting the evidence of what you do and she provided ways that she documents this in her own library.  Overall this was a very informative session that provided me with a lot of ideas to use in the Camden Middle School library.  I clearly see now that these webinars are a great way to increase professional learning and keep the media center up to date on all aspects of what we do.

In case you are interested, here is a link to view the webinar:

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