Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reflection - Media Blog Week of 9/29 - 10/3

This week I continued in the media center at Camden Middle School working with Ms. Peters.  We are working to come up with a virtual bulletin board for kids to use to review books they might want to read.  We are looking at using a program called Aurasma which allows a virtual component to be placed into a picture.  You then can embed video or pictures of what you want to display.  It really is a neat app!  Ms. Peters has begun to show me how to Catalog items in Destiny.  She is very meticulous and after doing a couple of books I fully understand why.  We have to get the books logged in correctly so that we can find the material when we need it.  We installed two new touch screen displays at the circulation desk.  This will make things so much easier for the media specialist at the desk when checking things in and out!  They are really cool!  I helped the para pro MS. Lynn re-shelve a lot of books this week and I also worked helping students who were doing research at the computers find information that they needed for a project.  I continue to learn and grow as a professional!

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