Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Checklist Item 4 - Cataloging

Cataloging is a very important aspect of the library media center.  It is vital that all materials and equipment be cataloged and placed into the Destiny system so they can be monitored and accounted for.  My direct media specialist Ms. Peters is very detailed with anything she puts into the Destiny system.  She has shown me the way that she does it and she has let me know the reasons for being so detailed when putting material into the system.  Her collection grades out at 98% and she is very proud of that.  Cataloging is not that difficult on most items, it just takes practice.  Many items have MARC records that come from vendors and that is fine, but Ms. Peters always adds things to the MARC record that she likes.  Non fiction is the most challenging of the books that I logged because you have to have some extras put into the MARC records so that it makes it easy for students to find information.  Most of the non fiction did not take a lot of time at all. Overall I am still learning but I am making progress!

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