Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reflection and Checklist Item 7 - Media Blog Week of 9/8 - 9/12 and ALA Membership

Good morning blog world!  This week I joined a professional association in an effort to improve my professional development.  Of all the groups out there, I decided to join the American Library Association, better known as the ALA.

I liked the ALA because of its national prominence and all of the support that they offer to their members.  The list of resources is very impressive and should provide my with everything I need!

In the CMS media center we have been very busy processing new Smart document cameras that were purchased for all of the teachers.  We took in 45 in all.  These cutting edged technology cameras will allow the teachers to do all sorts of things with documents, 3-D objects, and other stuff with the students.  They are really cool!  We did inventory and put them into Destiny.  Another task was to go through our Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl book collection.  We processed all of the new books and signed off on them so that students could begin using them.  Ms. Peters also discussed with me things that we need to begin doing for the book fair that starts in a few weeks.  See you next week!  RR

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